A beautiful story of friendship


🌟 Transforming lives with friendship🌟

82-year-old John* has been living alone for many years, feeling the absence of companionship since the passing of his beloved wife. With no friends or family nearby, Bill spends countless hours at home, longing for someone to share a friendly conversation with. The Hospital Liaison Service referred Bill to The Link Visiting Scheme last year.

John found the courage to tell us he had "let himself go and given up," often overcome with tears as he reminisced about the dear ones he has lost throughout the years. He yearned for something more—a friendly visitor, someone to brighten his days and give him something to look forward to.

That's when we introduced John to Sam*, a retired volunteer befriender who had also experienced the loss of his own wife a few years ago. A kindred spirit, Lee understood the profound impact of loneliness and was eager to make a difference. Week after week, Sam has been visiting John, and it has been truly heartwarming to witness their connection grow.

Sam cherishes the moments spent with John, listening attentively to stories of his past and his life on a farm. He has become a trusted companion, offering not just a listening ear but also acts of kindness. On Christmas Day, Sam surprised John with a warm, homemade meal, bringing joy and a sense of belonging to John's holiday.

During #VolunteersWeek, we are looking for kind people in our community who can lend their time and friendship to those like John who long for human connection. Together, we can bring light to someone's life, one visit at a time.

If you're ready to make a difference and bring a smile to someone's face, we would love to welcome you to our team. Join us in spreading love, joy, and friendship. Sign up today to become a volunteer with The Link Visiting Scheme!

Request a volunteer pack here

🤝💙 #VolunteersWeek

*Names have been changed to protect anonymity, the photo above is used for illustrative purposes.